"But how can you stay when your heart says no?
How can you stop when your feet say go"
-Sir Elton John Honky Cat
How can you stop when your feet say go"
-Sir Elton John Honky Cat
While driving home from work today, I scanned the radio for the perfect "work is over" song. I was pleased to come across that perfect song just as I got off of the exit for my house. It was Elton John's "Honky Cat". I have enjoyed the song for quite some time now, but never really took the time to look past it's catchy beat and Elton's impressive piano skills. After listening to the lyrics more closely, I really still have no idea what the song is about. A sassy cat? A redneck leaving his way of life? I'm not sure. The meaning of the song may not have stuck out in my mind, but one thing that did stick out was one of the final verses of the song (as quoted above). I found myself nodding in agreement to what Elton was so melodiously saying. "But how can you stay when your heart says no? How can you stop when your feet say go". My goodness, Elton has put into words the exact frustrations that I have felt since leaving school! This is my biggest fear - that I will end up doing something that my heart says "no" to and that I will decide to stay when my feet say "go"!
I seriously have to wonder how many people are living lives that their hearts refuse to or staying one place when they would rather run in the opposite direction. As a new member of the "real world", I feel like observing and taking notes of the things that I don't want to do are just as important as taking note of the things that I do! Lauren spoke about choices and the vast opportunities we have in front of us. I believe that this trip will be eye opening in this way. By meeting people in different professions with different stories, I know that we will each pick up little pieces of our own personal puzzles.
Just this trip alone is an example, to me, of heeding to Elton's inquiry and saying "yes" to the desires of my heart. Right now there are so many things that I want to do, one of the strongest being to explore and learn. This trip is the PERFECT way to do just that. I am so excited for every part of this experience - from the initial idea to the moment that we return home with this experience in our back pockets, ready to be pulled out whenever we need to think back on, bask in, or refer to it. Look out world, we're saying "yes" to our hearts and letting our feet take us wherever they please.
I seriously have to wonder how many people are living lives that their hearts refuse to or staying one place when they would rather run in the opposite direction. As a new member of the "real world", I feel like observing and taking notes of the things that I don't want to do are just as important as taking note of the things that I do! Lauren spoke about choices and the vast opportunities we have in front of us. I believe that this trip will be eye opening in this way. By meeting people in different professions with different stories, I know that we will each pick up little pieces of our own personal puzzles.
Just this trip alone is an example, to me, of heeding to Elton's inquiry and saying "yes" to the desires of my heart. Right now there are so many things that I want to do, one of the strongest being to explore and learn. This trip is the PERFECT way to do just that. I am so excited for every part of this experience - from the initial idea to the moment that we return home with this experience in our back pockets, ready to be pulled out whenever we need to think back on, bask in, or refer to it. Look out world, we're saying "yes" to our hearts and letting our feet take us wherever they please.
I love it! You my dear are a fabulous writer. I think that's half of why I'm scared to post anything. The other half is because Lauren is such a fabulous writer as well. Bravo Nicole!
Nicole - we'll definitely have to put that song on one of our many road trip CDs!
Sarah - you're an excellent writer too! I've read Make Lemonade every time you've posted and I love it!!
Thanks Sarah! I definitely agree with Lauren, you ARE an excellent writer and I can't wait to see what interesting things you'll have to say here (I'm not trying to tell you to blog because I know that you get mad about that, but I really am excited to see what you have to say!)
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