Last week Sarah, Lauren and I met up at Lauren's house to go over our tentative road trip plans. We have around three interviews booked with a few still up in the air. In order to broaden our interview horizons the three of us came up with a list of people we'd love to interview. The list ranged the spectrum from someone we'd meet on the street to Bono, with the goal for each interview being to hear the person's story and to absorb any advice that they might have for us. We also began to map our our route for the trip on a giant map (Lauren inspired). We'll be starting out in Connecticut and heading as far west at Missouri before looping back around to the east coast. We have a lot of exciting stops in the works, including a few of those highway attractions that can be so incredibly tacky and impossible to resist. Here's a little Microsoft Paint rendition of how the evening went for you.
Note: Censorship provided by The Public Blog-casting Service... aka me... mostly for the sake of comedy.
Lauren brought it to my attention that while en route to Missouri we will be passing right through the town where an Albino Squirrel farm exists. Is there really any way that we can not stop there? I think not. It's going to be a memorable, if not frightening, experience.

i love the photoshop nicole, fabu!
Haha, I love our little conversation bubbles! Sorry my hair ate my face in our cute little group shot....
Can't wait for those albino squirrels!
also, i love how we're all looking at the map upside down....
While you're out there in far off strange lands like Missouri, can you talk some people into voting for Obama? Maybe set up a kissing booth. Kiss me for Obama?
I mean you're out there, you may as well school them.
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