Since first learning that Sarah, Lauren and I would be embarking on our road trip come October, I have been compiling a mental list of movies that we should (need is the word I really want to use, but won't because it sounds too pressing for the likes of our relaxed journey) watch to prepare. The list is somewhat long and eclectic, but all of the movies on it, I feel, are valuable and will only make our trip all the better. Here is the list so far:
Working Girl

This movie may reek of 80's fashion faux pas and teased hair, but at it's core Working Girl holds a message that perserverence and diligence pay off. It also reinforces the idea that dreams can and do come true in the mind of anyone who watches it. This is a great movie for it's message and all the 80's throw-backs are the icing on the cake.

This movie may reek of 80's fashion faux pas and teased hair, but at it's core Working Girl holds a message that perserverence and diligence pay off. It also reinforces the idea that dreams can and do come true in the mind of anyone who watches it. This is a great movie for it's message and all the 80's throw-backs are the icing on the cake.
Reality Bites
I had never heard of, yet alone seen, Reality Bites until (appropriately) after graduation. It caught my eye as I perused the dvd's at my local library and after reading it's description, I knew that it was a "must see". The characters face life after college graduation and deal with many of the feelings and emotions that I am having now that I am in the "real world". It's good to know that I'm not the only one feeling the way that I am and even better to realize that a movie has been made about those very feelings!
A Goofy Movie

Laugh if you must. Say that I'm too old for cartoons. Snicker as you recall the last time you watched a Disney movie, but I know that deep down everyone who has ever seen A Goofy Movie and been of sound mind loved it. Though I would make an excuse to put this movie on really any list of movies I might create, I do have to say that it has more relevance to this particular list than say, a list of movies about electricity (though I could argue that Powerline's character could be relevant...). I chose to put this movie on my list because it's central plot revolves around a road trip. On a deeper level, the struggle that Goofy and his son Max face as they travel across the continental United States is a journey towards reconciliation, much like the journey that Sarah, Lauren and I are facing against societal expectations of the recent graduate. On a much lighter note, this movie has some of the best music of any Disney movie out there (my iPod can vouch for it).

Laugh if you must. Say that I'm too old for cartoons. Snicker as you recall the last time you watched a Disney movie, but I know that deep down everyone who has ever seen A Goofy Movie and been of sound mind loved it. Though I would make an excuse to put this movie on really any list of movies I might create, I do have to say that it has more relevance to this particular list than say, a list of movies about electricity (though I could argue that Powerline's character could be relevant...). I chose to put this movie on my list because it's central plot revolves around a road trip. On a deeper level, the struggle that Goofy and his son Max face as they travel across the continental United States is a journey towards reconciliation, much like the journey that Sarah, Lauren and I are facing against societal expectations of the recent graduate. On a much lighter note, this movie has some of the best music of any Disney movie out there (my iPod can vouch for it).
Muriel's Wedding

I only recently heard about and watched Muriel's Wedding. Muriel is twenty-two and is on a quest to discover herself. She is shy and unsure about many things except that she absolutely, completely, deeply loves Abba. I have to admit, this film and then the release of Mamma Mia this past summer has spurred an appreciation similar to Muriel's for Abba in my own life. I think that this movie is important for the three of us to watch as we prepare for our trip because it serves as a reminder that the best gift that we can give to this world is our true selves.

This movie screams "ROAD TRIP!" from the beat up VW on it's cover to the film itself. Family trips are always interesting in one way or another, and the one in Little Miss Sunshine is definitely just that. I like this movie for it's road trip quality as well as as it's message, which is similar to that of Muriel's Wedding - that being who you are is okay. I know that it sounds cliche, but I find that ingraining this message in my mind by repeating a mantra, reading a Post-It Note on your mirror, or even watching a movie helps me give more of myself to the world.

Our high school reunion may not be for a while, but that doesn't mean that we can't reflect on life since twelfth grade. I think that Lauren, Sarah and I would all agree that we are not exactly the same person we were four years ago. I really like Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion because it has a strong message of (again) being true to one's self and not being afraid to be the person you are. The movie also has these two friends making a road trip to Tuscon, Arizona for their reunion, so there is that fabulous road trip aspect to it.
This list is definitely open to suggestions/comments. Feel free to leave some here!
Little Miss Sunshine

This movie screams "ROAD TRIP!" from the beat up VW on it's cover to the film itself. Family trips are always interesting in one way or another, and the one in Little Miss Sunshine is definitely just that. I like this movie for it's road trip quality as well as as it's message, which is similar to that of Muriel's Wedding - that being who you are is okay. I know that it sounds cliche, but I find that ingraining this message in my mind by repeating a mantra, reading a Post-It Note on your mirror, or even watching a movie helps me give more of myself to the world.
Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion

Our high school reunion may not be for a while, but that doesn't mean that we can't reflect on life since twelfth grade. I think that Lauren, Sarah and I would all agree that we are not exactly the same person we were four years ago. I really like Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion because it has a strong message of (again) being true to one's self and not being afraid to be the person you are. The movie also has these two friends making a road trip to Tuscon, Arizona for their reunion, so there is that fabulous road trip aspect to it.
This list is definitely open to suggestions/comments. Feel free to leave some here!
Where do I begin...
1) When exactly is the appropriate situation to make a list of movies about electricity?
2) I think this list is such a prime example of the BS-ing college teaches us to do. I mean that in a good way, of course... but who else but a college grad would be able to talk about the "deeper level" of A Goofy Movie and the societal expectations it illuminates? I think that college taught me much less about actual subject matter, and much more about how to take something completely meaningless and make it sound important. Not to say that A Goofy Movie is meaningless, I just thought that was funny.
3) Little Miss Sunshine is one of my favorite movies EVER. Olive is such a fashion icon.
1.) Oh, there are so many my dear Lauren.. If you're attending an electricians convention it is the appropriate time. Or if you happen to love all things electrically-related. Or if you're making up excuses to make a list of movies about electricity as I currently am...
2.) I totally agree! Although I do see the deeper meaning of A Goofy Movie, I also see a great deal of BS in my explanation of said meaning. They should really just give us a golden shovel with our diploma at graduation.
3.) Yes! Olive is a TOTAL fashion icon! I'm thinking we should all buy some cowboy boots for our journey.
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