Monday, October 6, 2008

My Excitement Level Has Reached an All-Time High

So I have this habit as of recent which involves tearing out pages of magazines that I find of interest to me while waiting in waiting rooms.  Just the other day, I was waiting outside the doctors' office and found an awesome activity to do with the kids I work with at KIC.  It's for a scrapbook made of paper bags.  You punch holes in the paper bags an tie them together with string going horizontally, decorate the outsides with designs & pictures, and put artifacts in the inside of the bags.  Another article I ripped out of a magazine was one that talked about beautiful fall cities to visit in the US.  Lucky for us 3 out of the 4 were on the route that we were already planning. If you know me at all, I am in love with the fall so this is very exciting for me!  This weekend Nicole & I went apple picking.  This fun day included frolicking in fields, taking ridiculous pictures, and baking (too many) apple pies.  We wished Lauren could have joined us (she was busy going to an awesome concert), but don't worry, we'll have plenty of bonding time before and during the trip.  

One thing that's semi stressing me out about the trip is mapping out the route of our trip.  It seems that we might not have enough time to fit in everything, see everyone we want to see, interview everyone we want to interview, and so on (the albino squirrel park may have to be nixed)- sorry guys...  I feel fully responsible for this given that I have to be back to work on the 31st of October.  I wish I had a more lax schedule and was able to take off as much time as I want, but unfortunately this is not the case.  Hopefully this week we'll be meeting to discuss the route.  

On another note, I'm starting to read "The Alchemist" now.  It has been paid forward from Lauren to Nicole to me.  I think it'll be great that we all have read a common book before we go.   Especially since it's so relevant to our road trip.  Previously, I was reading "Three Cups of Tea."  I loved this book in the beginning, but I can't seem to stay intrigued come the end of the book.  I'll try and finish it- I don't like to start something and not finish it. So we'll see.  That's all for now.  More to come soon!

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