It's nice to be recognized. To have someone say, "Hey! You're so-and-so" or, "Why, didn't you do that?!". Recently, recognition happened to me. Okay, okay... You're probably thinking that it was some stranger on the street screaming out, "Oh my word! Aren't you Nicole?!". As cool as that would be, that wasn't the case. Actually, the person who recognized me was my mailman. This would be totally normal since he has been my mailman my entire life and often recognizes me and say hello, but it was the fact that he recognized me and referred to the What Now Wanderers article in the Greenwich Time that got me excited. He knows a lot of things about a lot of people via mail, but I still was surprised at his degree of knowledge about our trip. He commented on the grant, the route, and inquired about the car. He asked if we were planning to take my '91 Dodge Shadow. I said no and that if we did do that, we might not make it past Lancaster. All in all it was a nice experience to have our trip recognized! It's a good feeling to know that people are learning about what we are going to be doing and that they are excited enough about it to bring it up in conversation!
1 comment:
sweet- that picture of you is so flattering! you are truly a celebrity now. i'm honored to be one of your closest friends. i'm like Oprah's friend Gale.
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